B2B Email Marketing

8 major differences between B2B and B2C email marketing

Email marketing is not going anywhere despite the arrival of social media marketing. Even today, email marketing is predominantly used by millions of B2B and B2C businesses worldwide for good reasons. What are these reasons? Check out these interesting email marketing statistics to know what we are talking about. It is worth mentioning that the

8 major differences between B2B and B2C email marketing Read More »

B2B Email Marketing Techniques to Avoid Poor Sales Practices

Before I started researching the content for this article, I thought that email was going to be a critical channel for B2B content marketing. But what I found wasn’t exactly what I had anticipated. Some of the most surprising findings came from The State of B2B Email Marketing report, released earlier this year. It found

B2B Email Marketing Techniques to Avoid Poor Sales Practices Read More »

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